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+7 (495) 995-22-33
РФ, Московская обл., г.о. Химки,
г. Химки, кв-л Клязьма, стр. 300
г. Химки, кв-л Клязьма, стр. 300

+7 (495) 995-22-33 РФ, Московская обл., г.о. Химки,
г. Химки, кв-л Клязьма, стр. 300
г. Химки, кв-л Клязьма, стр. 300
Обновлено: 22 сентября 2023

Prospects for the Clinical Use of Radionuclide Therapy for Castrate-resistant Metastatic Prostate Cancer with Lu-PSMA
Roytberg GE, Plotkin M² and Sharkhun 00¹
Despite the improvement of diagnostic methods and the introduction of prostate-specific antigen monitoring the incidence of advanced forms of prostate cancer in Russia remains high. Long term hormonal therapy often leads to tumor adaptation and further progression of the disease, the development of castrate-resistant prostate cancer, the complications of which significantly worsen the quality of life and adversely affect overall survival rates. Over the past 3 years along with the introduction into clinical practice of numerous drugs for the treatment of such forms of the disease, new types of palliative peptide receptor radionuclide therapy have been developed in particular using the isotopes Lutetium 177, Radium-223. Actinium-225 etc. Currently therapy with Lu PSMA is od for Himleal usa bu either European or American drug control agencies.
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Despite the improvement of diagnostic methods and the introduction of prostate-specific antigen monitoring the incidence of advanced forms of prostate cancer in Russia remains high. Long term hormonal therapy often leads to tumor adaptation and further progression of the disease, the development of castrate-resistant prostate cancer, the complications of which significantly worsen the quality of life and adversely affect overall survival rates. Over the past 3 years along with the introduction into clinical practice of numerous drugs for the treatment of such forms of the disease, new types of palliative peptide receptor radionuclide therapy have been developed in particular using the isotopes Lutetium 177, Radium-223. Actinium-225 etc. Currently therapy with Lu PSMA is od for Himleal usa bu either European or American drug control agencies.
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ЛИЦЕНЗИя НА осуществление высокотехнологичной помощи
РФ, Московская обл., г.о. Химки, г. Химки, кв-л Клязьма, стр. 300
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